3,873 research outputs found

    Les bandes de música: funció social, musical i pedagògica

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    Integrating modelling of maintenance policies within a stochastic hybrid automaton framework of dynamic reliability

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    The dependability assessment is a crucial activity for determining the availability, safety and maintainability of a system and establishing the best mitigation measures to prevent serious flaws and process interruptions. One of the most promising methodologies for the analysis of complex systems is Dynamic Reliability (also known as DPRA) with models that define explicitly the interactions between components and variables. Among the mathematical techniques of DPRA, Stochastic Hybrid Automaton (SHA) has been used to model systems characterized by continuous and discrete variables. Recently, a DPRA-oriented SHA modelling formalism, known as Stochastic Hybrid Fault Tree Automaton (SHyFTA), has been formalized together with a software library (SHyFTOO) that simplifies the resolution of complex models. At the state of the art, SHyFTOO allows analyzing the dependability of multistate repairable systems characterized by a reactive maintenance policy. Exploiting the flexibility of SHyFTA, this paper aims to extend the tools’ functionalities to other well-known maintenance policies. To achieve this goal, the main features of the preventive, risk-based and condition-based maintenance policies will be analyzed and used to design a software model to integrate into the SHyFTOO. Finally, a case study to test and compare the results of the different maintenance policies will be illustrated

    Addressing the controversial origin of the marble source used in the Phoenician anthropoid sarcophagi of Gadir (Cadiz, Spain)

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    Dating from the fifth century bce, two Phoenician anthropoid sarcophagi, a male and a female, found in Gadir (Cadiz, Spain), are so far the most ancient marble sculptures found in the Iberian Peninsula. The identification of the source of the marble used to produce them has been a subject of controversy for several decades and has recently resurfaced when it was published that they were made by Phoenician artisans using Iberian marble from Macael. This identification is not only unreasonable from an archaeological point of view but also unsupported by any analytical data. On the contrary, as the sarcophagi belong to an Eastern Mediterranean Sidonian production, their raw material is most likely to be Greek-Minor Asian in origin. In order to shed a light on this dispute and objectively resolve the provenance of the marble, a multi-method analytical approach was carried out. Optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence analyses, and C and O stable isotopes clarify the provenance of the marble, confirming that both singular sarcophagi were carved in a Cycladic marble, in accordance with their Sidonian style

    Risk Sources Affecting the Asset Management Decision-Making Process in Manufacturing: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Part 4: Product and Asset Life Cycle Management in Smart Factories of Industry 4.0International audienceAsset Management (AM) is promising for value creation from assets in the long term. A major concern to this end relates with the capabilities to achieve effective AM decision-making at every organisational level, i.e. operational, tactical, and strategical. Therefore, the goal of this research, grounded on a systematic literature review, is to identify which are the main sources of uncertainty that may influence the achievement of AM system related objectives and, as such, should be taken into consideration in a risk-informed decision-making process. Taking the manufacturing sector as a reference, the risk sources addressed by the extant literature are identified and mapped against a reference classification scheme. As a result, the research offers a comprehensive framework where risk sources, affecting the AM decision-making process, are systematically mapped. Information management is found to be the main risk source when making asset-related decisions

    AutomatitzaciĂł d'una lĂ­nia de premses

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    El document que es mostra a continuació és la memòria del projecte de final de carrera d’enginyeria industrial titulat “Automatització d’una línia de premses”. Aquest projecte es basa en l’automatització de la línia de premses que l’empresa EMTISA S.A. té a la seva planta de Sant Andreu de la Barca (Barcelona). En primer lloc s’estudia la necessitat de l’automatització d’una línia de premses estàndard fent incidència en els possibles processos a automatitzar, les raons per a l’automatització i finalment els beneficis funcionals que aporta l’automatització. A continuació s’analitzen les necessitats del client en quant als processos de producció , les característiques de la maquinària existent i les característiques de les peces a produir. Una vegada s’han determinat les necessitats del client es passa a estudiar les alternatives existents per a dur a terme l’automatització. En aquest capítol s’analitzen les principals característiques dels robots de 3 i 6 eixos i les característiques del tooling, eines amb les quals s’equipa el braç del robot per a la manipulació dels formats a processar. Aquest apartat es veu recolzat amb una comparativa dels robots de 6 eixos dels principals productors existents al mercat. Un cop acotades les necessitats del client i les virtuts i defectes de les tecnologies a utilitzar s’exposa la solució adoptada per a l’automatització. L’annex mecànic que acompanya aquesta memòria justifica les decisions preses en quant a selecció i disposició dels elements mecànics dins de la línia. Seguidament s’analitzen els aspectes econòmics a tenir en compte en la realització d’una inversió com la plantejada, tenint en compte tant els beneficis aportats com les despeses que s’hi relacionen. L’apartat de seguretats resumeix els punts més importants i les normatives vigents que cal tenir en compte a l’hora de portar a terme un projecte industrial com el present. A continuació es mostra un planning de les fases del projecte, per finalitzar amb un capítol dedicat a l’impacte ambiental

    Efficiently combining water reuse and desalination through Forward Osmosis-Reverse Osmosis (FO-RO) hybrids: a critical review

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    Forward osmosis (FO) is a promising membrane technology to combine seawater desalination and water reuse. More specifically, in a FO-reverse osmosis (RO) hybrid process, high quality water recovered from the wastewater stream is used to dilute seawater before RO treatment. As such, lower desalination energy needs and/or water augmentation can be obtained while delivering safe water for direct potable reuse thanks to the double dense membrane barrier protection. Typically, FO-RO hybrid can be a credible alternative to new desalination facilities or to implementation of stand-alone water reuse schemes. However, apart from the societal (public perception of water reuse for potable application) and water management challenges (proximity of wastewater and desalination plants), FO-RO hybrid has to overcome technical limitation such as low FO permeation flux to become economically attractive. Recent developments (i.e., improved FO membranes, use of pressure assisted osmosis, PAO) demonstrated significant improvement in water flux. However, flux improvement is associated with drawbacks, such as increased fouling behaviour, lower rejection of trace organic compounds (TrOCs) in PAO operation, and limitation in FO membrane mechanical resistance, which need to be better considered. To support successful implementation of FO-RO hybrid in the industry, further work is required regarding up-scaling to apprehend full-scale challenges in term of mass transfer limitation, pressure drop, fouling and cleaning strategies on a module scale. In addition, refined economics assessment is expected to integrate fouling and other maintenance costs/savings of the FO/PAO-RO hybrid systems, as well as cost savings from any treatment step avoided in the water recycling

    Conceptual Framework for a Data Model to Support Asset Management Decision-Making Process

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    Part 4: Product and Asset Life Cycle Management in Smart Factories of Industry 4.0International audienceInformation and data management is nowadays a central issue to support the Asset Management (AM) decision-making process. Manufacturing companies have to take different decisions along the asset lifecycle and at different organisational levels, and, to this end, they require proper information and data management. In the literature, besides the crucial role played by information and data, there is evidence of existing gaps, especially related to information management and integration, and transformation of data into useful information. Thus, a conceptual framework is proposed to guide the definition of a data model to fulfil the previously identified gap. Generally, the framework aims at contributing to the improvement of the integration of information along the AM decision-making process. Specifically, it is intended to be aligned with the AM theory and, in particular, its fundamentals defined in the scientific literature and the ISO 5500x body of standards. Overall, thanks to the improvement of the information management and integration along with the AM decision-making, the expectation is to be capable of achieving more value-oriented decisions for the asset lifecycle

    Position paper - progress towards standards in integrated (aerobic) MBR modelling

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    Membrane bioreactor (MBR) models are useful tools for both design and management. The system complexity is high due to the involved number of processes which can be clustered in biological and physical ones. Literature studies are present and need to be harmonized in order to gain insights from the different studies and allow system optimization by applying a control. This position paper aims at defining the current state of the art of the main integrated MBR models reported in the literature. On the basis of a modelling review, a standardized terminology is proposed to facilitate the further development and comparison of integrated membrane fouling models for aerobic MBRs

    Kesenian Gembrungan Di Desa Kaibon Kecamatan Geger Kabupaten Madiun (Kajian Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Sebagai Pembelajaran Sejarah Lokal)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai kearifan lokal apa saja yang terkandung dalam kesenian gembrungan di Desa Kaibon Kecamatan Geger Kabupaten Madiun dan potensinya sebagai pembelajaran sejarah lokal. Lokasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah desa Kaibon Kecamatan Geger Kabupaten Madiun. Peneliti menggunakan jenis pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun untuk jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder, pustaka juga wawancara. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi sumber dan analisis data menggunakan analisis model interaktif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu sebagai berikut, kesenian gembrungan di Desa kaibon ada sekitar tahun 1968. Kesenian ini digunakan untuk memperingati hari-hari besar islam juga acara hajatan warga seperti contohnya, Isra’ Mi’raj, Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW, Suro, khitanan, tingkeban, 7 bulanan, aqiqah. Kesenian ini memiliki banyak sekali nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan jika kita mampu memahami dan menerapkannya. Nilai-nilai tersebut dntara lain : nilai pendidikan, nilai etika, nilai religi, nilai spiritual, nilai seni, nilai kekeluargaan, dan nilai budaya. Upaya untuk melestarikan kesenian gembrungan yaitu terdapat sebuah perkumpulan yang dinamakan perkumpulan seniman gembrung Desa Kaibon. Perkumpulan ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang keberlangsungan kesenian gembrungan. Yang dibahas dalam upaya melestarikannya adalah untuk perawatan alat-alat musiknya, apakah terdapat kerusakan yang perlu diganti atau tidak. Jika terdapat kerusakan yang cukup serius, bersama-sama mencari solusi yang tepat untuk menggantinya. kesenian ini masuk dalam kategori materi ajar yang membahas tentang masa Hindu-Budha dan Islam. Dengan kompetensi dasar (KD) yaitu, mendeskripsikan perkembangan masyarakat, kebudayaan, dan pemerintahan pada masa Islam di Indonesia serta peninggalan-peninggalannya
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